Gyroscope Dataset |
BMI055 Gyroscope Data |
ICM20689 Gyroscope Data |
Scale-wise Variance Optimization |
Empirical Wavelet Cross-Covariance |
Estimate Optimal Coefficients based on Scale-wise Variance Optimization |
Construct Virtual Gyroscope Signal |
Empirical Covariance of Coefficients on Individual Signals |
Wavelet Variance Plot for Virtual Gyroscopes |
Plot Wavelet Variance |
Simulate Time Series Processes |
Simulate White Noise |
Simulate Correlated Random Walk |
Simulate Correlated AR(1) |
Method of Richard J. Vaccaro and Ahmed S. Zaki (2017) |
Estimate Optimal Coefficients based on Reduced-Drift Virtual Gyro |
Estimate Optimal Coefficients based on Reduced-Drift Virtual Gyro |
Empirical Allan variance |
Empirical Allan covariance |
Estimation of White Noise and Random Walk Innovation Variances R and Q |
Estimation of White Noise and Random Walk Innovation Covariances R and Q |